The Key Elements to Providing Great Customer Service for the Disabled

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Providing great customer service isn’t just something that’s important for your business. It’s something that can make all the difference when it comes to building trust with your customers and keeping them coming back. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend a fortune on fancy equipment, training staff, or hiring consultants to come up with a new strategy. Instead, it means taking small but effective steps to improve the quality of service people receive from you. Yes, some people might not take the time to write a thoughtful review about their experience if they were disappointed by the quality of service they received. But others will go out of their way to let everyone know how happy they are with what they got in return (especially if it was free). By making improvements in this area, you’ll be able to attract more customers who have high expectations and build loyalty over time. Here are the key elements you should consider when providing great customer service for disabled people.

Provide Good Information

When it comes to service, the first step is always knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. In this case, you’ll want to determine what specific needs people with disabilities have. For example, some might need the option to order something that’s not part of the standard menu or would like to eat at a particular time of day. Others might want to be able to eat in a less-public setting or at a different restaurant from the one they usually visit. Once you know what your customers need, you can then start to come up with ways to meet their needs. Providing detailed information is one way to do this. For instance, if a disabled customer would like to order something that’s not on the regular menu, you can let them know which dishes they can try instead. When someone asks if they can order something less-commonly prepared, you can provide the relevant details on that dish too. This can even apply to things like prices, delivery times, and payment options.

Be Accommodating When Needed

Customers with disabilities often have certain requirements that can make it difficult to fully use a business’s services. For example, someone who has epilepsy might not be able to eat a meal that’s served at room temperature or be in a restaurant that sells hot food. In these cases, it’s important to be accommodating. You can do this in two ways. First, ask customers if there’s anything, in particular, they need from you. This can help you to provide better service by avoiding service errors or providing sub-par products because you were unaware of their requirements.

Respond Quickly

When you want your customers to know that you care about their needs, you can’t ignore their concerns or try to brush them off. That’s why it’s important to respond quickly. Once you’ve received a concern, you can quickly address the matter by communicating with your customers. You can have someone respond to their email, take notes on a tablet, or send a follow-up email to address their concerns right away. That way, people know you’re hearing them out and trying to address their concerns as quickly as possible.

Don’t Expect Your Customers to Change Their Behavior

It’s one thing to be accommodating and give your customers what they need. It’s another thing to expect them to change their way of doing things. In most cases, this isn’t really going to happen. For instance, customers with disabilities may change their ways of ordering food or beverage items so that they don’t need to order something with a high level of allergens. But you can’t expect them to continue with this new behavior so that you don’t need to serve them with those high levels of allergens.


Providing great customer service is something that can dramatically improve your bottom line. It can also help you attract new customers who have high expectations and build loyalty over time. So, what are you waiting for? Start working on ways to improve your service quality and you’ll be well on your way to building a loyal customer base.

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